We are wiggles
The physical world is wiggly as all get-out! We are the ones who try to box things in with our concrete categories and straight lines.
See, the physical world is wiggly. Clouds, mountains, trees, people—everything is wiggly. It’s only when human beings get working on things that they build buildings in straight lines and try to make the world unwiggly. But here we are—sitting in rooms with all these straight lines—but each one of us is wiggly as all get-out. —Alan Watts, Out of Your Mind
- see also: it’s difficult to control something that wiggles — the more wiggly you are, the more impossible you become to control and measure
- subsequently: be like a cat and let go of yourself in order to land lightly in the world
- connect this to: the right to be unmeasured, the right to be forgotten
- see also: play is not an anomaly — what if play is a basic principle to all our self-organizing systems?