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The external world is as much you as your own body

Updated Jan 10 2025

Any good scientist knows that what you call the external world is as much you as your own body. Your skin doesn’t actually separate you from the world—it’s a bridge through which the world flows into you, and you flow into the world. You’re just like a whirlpool. The whirlpool has a definite form, but at no time does water stay put in it. The whirlpool is something the stream is doing, just as we are things the whole universe is doing. So if I meet you again tomorrow, I’ll recognize you as the same whirlpool I saw yesterday, but you’re moving. The whole world is moving through you—cosmic rays, oxygen, the stream of steaks and milk and eggs you eat— everything flows right through you. You’re a wiggle, and the world is wiggling you.Alan Watts, Out of Your Mind