All notesEmodiversity is a sign of well-beingemotional-intelligencediversityDiversity provides stabilitynaturecollaborationDisgust is a culture-bound syndromebelief systemsCould kinesiology explain the phenomenon of faith healing?questionstherapyCooperation is a form of pleasure and play in itselfcollaborationpleasure-and-playCensorship is often plural, private, and popularcensorshipBottom-up processors are associative thinkersautismBoth memes and needlework are collective folk textsfanficmemesBisexuality might be erotic plasticitysexualityBehaviorist theory proves retributive justice does not workbelief systemsBe like a cat and let go of yourselfphilosophytaoismAt every level we are a web of interdependenciesphilosophynatureApophatic naminglanguageAn amateur is one who loveslexiconAll transmission is recreationfanficcreative-practiceAll relationships involve powerrelationshipstherapyAll of us are embedded in our own safe “reality”belief systemsrealityAll fiction is fanfictionfanfichistorical-precedentsAbuse is best recognized by the effect it has on the abusedtherapyConservation of noveltyworking-theoriesThe righting reflexemotional-intelligenceMoral dumbfounding is not moral reasoninglexiconbelief systemsThe science of pro cycling race numberscyclingnerderyMoral panics and mass hysteriahistorical-precedentslexicon«««12345»»»