At every level we are a web of interdependencies
When we talk about being inseparable from the universe, or an animistic view of the world, it’s not uniformity, conformity, or a primordial soup where everything is nothing and nothing is everything. From the macro to the micro, it’s very much a web of interdependencies.
The result of this dynamic, relational structure is not uniformity, all-is-oneness, or a “pudding of one identity,” but “a web of interdependencies.” —Mary-Jane Rubenstein, Pantheologies
- previously: animism is a dynamic, relational structure which produces differences that interact and collaborate
- see also: we are collaborative compound organisms—if humans are organisms collaborating on reality together, then we’re also collaborating with trees and rocks and rivers
- subsequently: the indigenous attribution of agency grants personhood and agency to vegetal life and more