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Update: Yep. Second book delivers the very necessary half of the whole. I adored it, and now I adore this one on re-read. Everything that just felt a slight step off pace the first time was solved with a deeper, closer read, and the addition of Luke’s story. The pair of books together land firmly in the top of my KJC rankings, five stars and then some.

Original review:

Wavering on the fifth star, and it’s only because I am so spoiled for choice with KJC, and have books (plural!) by her that have touched my soul, and this one didn’t quite reach the upper tier of my rankings. I’ll be re-reading when book 2 comes out, and I’ll reassess then.

But. But! What I loved, what did touch my soul, is the Marsh. The setting, Romney Marsh, is basically a character in its own right, and it’s KJC at her brilliantest with the lush sense of place. Ever since she announced that was going to be the setting, I have been eagerly anticipating it, and every bit of it was what I hoped for and then some. The language, the natural history, the way it shapes the characters, I soaked it up.

For example: Joss finally calling Gareth ‘Marshman’ was the more emotional scene for me, not the exchange of rings at the end. In fact, that may be one of the few things I bounced slightly off of: she hit more of the traditional regency romance beats, as one would for their first major trad-pub book (yay for that!), whereas my all-time faves are when she subverts more of those beats. (Think Kim and Will desperately trying to free themselves from an earldom, etc.)

So yes. Thoughts! I have them! And feelings. Will see which wins out after book 2. (I’m betting on the Marsh.)