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Tried this one again, hoping I had one more festive read in me for the year, but there are just sooo many things that bug me right away. It’s gonna be one of those books where shitty systemic poverty gets magically fixed for one [pretty young white] woman by the power of romance with a [manipulative gaslighting] millionaire, isn’t it? And we’re gonna do all that with a family of real estate developers in the midst of a housing crisis, is that right? (One of which gets a happy ending at a hedge fund; I peeked ahead.)

Noooope. DNF @ page 62.

ETA: according to the end notes, it’s a While You Were Sleeping homage, which happens to be the second I’ve read this year, and the way Alexis Hall handles class conflict and economic crisis, not to mention mental health, is just a shocking night-and-day difference.

ETA x2: and this is petty, but don’t say it’s a webcomic but then provide walls of text like a blog post without a single graphic to be found.

ETA x3: for anyone wanting ace rep, beware that demisexuality gets infodumped and then instaloved. It’s basically a Portlandia sketch without the satire. Eeeeeesh. YMMV, but it rubbed me the wrong way.