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Me [page 1]: I’m worried I read too much about ASD into Everyone in This Room Will Someday be Dead. This time I’m gonna look for all the ways it’s not autism. I will counteract my bias.
Me [page 20]: This is autism.
Me [page 25]: This is autism.
Me [pages 26–239]: THIS IS AUTISM.
Enid’s therapist [page 240]: diagnoses her with PTSD, anxiety exacerbated by her disability (Enid is deaf in one ear), and refers her to a specialist for, wait for it… AUTISM
Enid [page 259]: “I am crying more than the situation calls for.”
Me [page 259]: I am crying more than the situation calls for.
Me [page 270]: more tears
Me [pages 297-302]: crying and laughing now too

There’s a reason I tag these books as comfort food. (Even though technically it would be more hurt-comfort, I guess.) (No, I think it’s just pure and regular comfort.) Emily Austin, thank you for putting them into the world.