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This ending was the EXACT ENDING I’ve wanted to see for SO LONG. (Unapologetic all caps.) It took us ages to get there (more on that in a sec) but once we did? CHEF’S KISS.

Spoilery: it’s an f/f romance, and one half of the pair is affianced, to an amazing man, who’s gay, and they are going to use their marriage to give themselves and their true partners a safe harbor from society, and they go through with their marriage, and it’s just beautifully done, and… sniff I have a lot of feelings about friendships and healthy communication and unconventional choices and that kind of love.

On the ages to get there: it’s finally what I declared I wanted after Something Fabulous, chaotic sexual self-discovery on the female side. Hoo boy, is it chaotic. Eddie is a hot mess and gloriously clueless and it’s great fun. It intentionally plays fast and loose with some anachronisms but I also have a feeling the whole dramatic gothic lit scene was basically just like this, not so anachronistic after all.

For something so broadly funny, there’s gobs of nuance. I adore every bit of Albert. Other notes: