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I’m glad the term tonic masculinity has been making the rounds, because this feels like tonic masculinity of the highest order. David Curtis, sommelier, mistakes Farzan Alavi for a food critic, and what blooms in the wake of this mixup is a tender, sexy, heartfelt romance between two grown adults who have to deal with the obstacles that a grown-ass relationship entails. Highlights include both of their friend groups, and coworkers, and families, jokes and mishaps during sex (!), the love letter to Kansas City (flaws included), and the rich Iranian culture, community, and cuisine of the Alavi family restaurant (my stomach growls).

Beautifully done, every bit of it—especially the miscommunication, which is the opposite of contrived and sparks growth and better communication. Favorite romance I’ve read this month, and on track to be one of the best-of for the year.

ARC kindly provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.