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If this isn’t everything that’s wholesome and good in the world, I don’t know what is. A tribute to Heyer indeed; it just includes those who paint with oils outside conventional lines. It cranked my heart open without being saccharine or heavy. One of those books where I have to be careful what I read next because it might not measure up.

“I did say you were like your sister. Your beauty hides itself away, invisible until you decide someone is worthy of seeing it. And then you smile, and it shines.”

Re-read May 2020:

After reading Heyer’s Venetia, I was in the mood to remind myself how great this book is. I’ve sat up two nights in a row, working puzzles while listening to the audiobook, and I don’t think I could have picked a better way to spend time. It’s wholeheartedly lovely, and everything good in the world, and the dose of courage I needed.

“If that’s not virtue, I don’t know what is.”