Field notes


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I read books, I write notes, and here is where I collect and cross-pollinate the ideas.

    Books of August ’24

    A pretty even mix of great and not-great this month. The highs were high (Gathered Heat! Adib Khorram’s romcom! Kingfisher and Borges!) but the lows were low with a streak of disappointing historical romances. I’m almost ready for a solid three-star mediocre read to decompress. A lucky number 13 once again, but that’s with stranding four (excellent) books that I’m within a couple chapters of finishing—stay tuned for September.

    Books of July ’24

    July was a hellacious month, both work-wise and heat-wise, but I finished (a lucky number) 13 books. ARCs aplenty, plus some anticipated new releases, plus clearing out the TBR means I mostly read books published in the last 24 months. Gasp! I’m gonna need some dusty, mothballed books soon.

    Books of June ’24

    I finished around fifteen books in June, even though the weather got too hot, too fast, for hammock time. Rufi Thorpe swooped in hot with one of my favorite books for the month (and year), but she was far from the only highlight. Let’s give this digest idea a whirl.